Sunday 21st June 2020 - SE Essex Noctilucent Event
After the frontal rain had cleared through and light afternoon showers had cleared away we were now in a favourable 5 day High Pressure Pattern and any decent NLC event would be easy to see with crystal clear skies. In the evening I checked the various radars and the Daisy AIM images on Space Weather and things were looking good. Around 1030pm I went into my garden and could see quite a strong event setting up to my North and North West so grabbed the camera and headed to the Airport viewing area again, this time I made sure to nail the focus as the NLCs were getting vivid with waves and ripples and the sunset colours were also spectacular. The event last from 1030 until 1130pm and I was happy with this shot of the Church with NLCs behind.This was the best event of the year so far and I knew the morning show would be even better so got home recharged the batteries and got ready to head to Hullbridge in the early hours.